What are the Basic Features of ECO LABEL?

Eco Label helps to increase the sales of products that perform better socially and environmentally by gaining consumer confidence and trust. In this way, it can help drive demand and supply for more sustainable production and consumption by influencing or affirming the positive actions of consumers, retailers, producers and producers.

What are the Basic Features of ECO LABEL?

Ultimately this can lead to changes in social norms and expectations of certain products. A good example of this can be seen in paints. Paint fumes are caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs have negative effects on human health and well-being as well as the environment and cause, for example, air pollution, asthma and headache. 

Increasing public and business demand for less toxic, low-VOC paints has led to changes in production and production. Now, low-VOC paints such as those approved by the Eco Label are widely available and widely used in commercial and residential building projects. This is one of the examples showing the effect of Eco Label in creating ecological awareness.

The main qualities to look for in an eco label are:

  • Independence and neutrality
  • Transparency and consistency in standards
  • Third party accreditation and verification processes (where verification and licensing bodies are also independent from each other)

Robustness, reliability and objectivity are what make up the reputation of good eco labels so that suppliers and consumers can rely on them. Eco Label conducts extremely rigorous studies with its entire team to provide the qualities that should be in a reliable eco label.